WebUpdate Help

Before you can use WebUpdate, you must firstly install the WebUpdate executable. This executable will allow you to perform software updates. When you manually run the WebUpdate executable, it will look something like this when there are no updates to be performed:

Login to JDS

Next, you must login to the JDS system, and then click on the 'SM WebUpdate' link on the left-hand browser bar:

This will take you through to the WebUpdate home page.

Select Download

The WebUpdate system will display a list of all the updates that are applicable to you. Choose which update you wish to schedule, and click on the icon on the left hand-side:

By clicking on a WebUpdate icon, this will pass the selected update to the WebUpdate executable which will then schedule it for you.

Warning Boxes

The first time you click on this link, the following information box will be displayed:

You should click on the 'Do not show me the warning for this program' option and click the 'Allow' button. By selecting this option, the warning box will not be shown again when you schedule your next download

If any subsequent warning boxes are displayed after clicking on this link, it is important that you allow it continue by selecting 'Continue'.
Here is an example of a warning box that you may see after clicking on the WebUpdate icon. This prompt can only occurs if your operating system is Windows XP, Vista or newer:

Scheduling an Download

When the WebUpdate executable starts, it will indicate that it is initiating a new authorisation:

On completion of the process, the following prompt will be displayed.

You can then either choose to perform the download immediately (by pressing the 'Download' button), or you can choose to defer the update until later by pressing the 'Exit' button.

You can then then return to the WebUpdate browser page to schedule another update if you wish.